SVT appoints Naja Nielsen as Media Director
Today SVT announced Naja Nielsen as new Media Director. Naja Nielsen currently works as Digital Director at BBC News. She will start in her new role June 1, 2025.

Naja Nielson, photocred: Joshua Bratt/BBC
- SVT has built an incredibly strong position as the media that the vast majority of people in Sweden trust and use. This is especially impressive given that Sweden is one of the world's most digital and innovative media markets. CEO Anne Lagercrantz has a clear and ambitious vision for SVT as a constructive and secure force. I am very honored and happy to be part of leading SVT's next digital step forward together with all my new colleagues at SVT, says Naja Nielsen.
Audience behavior is changing rapidly, and more and more people are using SVT digitally. In the role of media director, Naja Nielsen will be responsible for driving change and increasing the speed of development so that SVT even better meets the needs of the audience.
- Naja Nielsen is one of Europe's most influential names in digital development within the media industry. As Digital Director, she has driven a shift that has made the BBC more relevant to a wider audience. Naja has extensive experience in journalism, digital development and a deep understanding of the audience. She is rooted in the public service mission and contributes new perspectives and knowledge that will strengthen SVT, says Anne Lagercrantz, CEO of SVT.
Naja Nielsen will lead the Media Unit and be responsible for SVT's digital services and publishing strategies, i.e. how, when and where content is published. The position also includes analysis and data, as well as overall responsibility for AI at SVT.
Facts about Naja:
Age: 57
Location: Today Naja lives in London. She will move to Copenhagen and work from SVT’s offices in Stockholm and Malmö.
Nationality: Danish (will learn to speak Swedish).
- Digital Director, BBC News (2019-present), responsible for a department of 650 people, responsible for BBC News publishing on apps, websites, news channels, streaming and social media in the UK and worldwide with teams in London, Cardiff, Washington DC, Singapore and Sydney.
- Chief Journalism Officer at Orb Media, a start-up company in Washington DC that works with digital, investigative journalism.
- Long background within Danmarks Radio as, among other things, a program host, reporter, editor and news director.
- Visiting Scholar” at Stanford University where she studied what legacy media should learn and fear from the tech industry.
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